Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

Tsunami strategy


Tsunami strategy


   The Tsunami art of fight, which worked out the founder of this style soke Richard Murat 10 dan, bases on an alternate usage of various techniques, strictly adapted to changing situations.


    In the beginning of fight, when the distance dividing us from our enemy is relatively large - we use kicks (Japanese: keri-waza).


   Afterwards, when our opponent approaches us, we strike with fists (Japanese: ken-waza) or with palms (Japanese: shu-waza).


   When our opponent draws strictly near us, we use strikes with elbows (Japanese: hiji-waza), knees (Japanese: hiza-waza) and the head (Japanese: atama-waza). 


   Then it comes to a clinch and then we use the cuts down and throws (Japanese: nage-waza), and also grasps (Japanese: katame-waza), levers (Japanese: kansetsu-waza) and throttling (Japanese: shime-waza), because exactly these techniques are then the most efficient at that moment.



Use in case of approaching as assailant

 in Tsunami outdistancing kicks first,

as visible on this photo yoko-geri-kekomi,

 trying strongly and exactly to hit in the neuralgic place, for example in the larynx.



This remarkably effective causes

restraint as well as assailant's

 discouragement to continuing assault.

Thanks to such rules and to a properly selected techniques the Tsunami art of fight assures us during a real fight (usually against several brutal opponents) in obtaining a maximum efficiency with a minimum effort.  
 Tsunami  Tsunami

When attacking assailant brings nearer, in Tsunami are used crushing techniques in short distance, various knees kicks as well as elbows hitting, not infrequently with hold of hair (photos above),

and also heaping of legs hitting with head.  



When however dangerous assailant

move attack out, in Tsunami we defend

before it with the help of strong blocks, synchronized with quick descents

 from line of attack.







 Typical for tsunami defense

before strong and deep kick

mae-geri-kekomi across descent

 from line of attack uchi-nagashi-uke

 with security block gedan-ude-barai.






Characteristic for Tsunami

defense before strong kick yoko-geri-kekomi with the help of descent from line of attack

 soto-nagashi-uke andblock soto-ude-uke. 






Tsunami characteristic feature

is also great pressure lain down

 in faith for applying spectacular

and unusually effective cut,

with the help of which we overthrow

 approaching assailant.  











The typical principle

of Tsunami strategy is endeavor

to quick overthrown assailant's elimination

with hitting in his neuralgic spots with

the help of many kicks, strikes and thrusts.


In photo: kick mae-geri-fumikomi

after assailant's cut.

 Tsunami  Tsunami

In Tsunami the most effective techniques in fight “on ground” were used, as visible in photos above beating with fingers - nukite: nihon-nukite-zuki in an assailant's eyes and shihon-nukite-zuki in his throat.

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