Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona g³ówna

Soke Richard Murat 10 dan and the beginnings of Karate Tsunami


Soke Richard Murat 10 dan

and the beginnings of Karate Tsunami





Richard Murat as the founder of Tsunami

he has in this style title

soke (Japanese “founder, head ”)

and interchangeably taishi (Japanese  “patriarch ”)

and he is the owner

of the higher masterly degree 10 dan.


  From the left: the certificate of soke Richard Murat confirming 10 dan, signed in 1999 by leaders of the organization of various styles, among others things as many as four owners of 10 dan. From the right: the discretionary cup, which in relation to receiving the degree 10 dan by Richard Murat on 30-th May

 1999 gave him representatives of the highest local authorities and state authorities – the President of the capital city Warsaw

and of the President of Republic of Poland during special 9-th Festival of the Far-Eastern Martial Arts in the Palace of Culture

and Science in Warsaw.


The name Tsunami for describing this system

 soke Richard Murat  adopted a few months before

formal announcing its founding,

which took place during the first training,

which he run Kutno in Poland in the beginning of March 1979.


 In March 1979 of year soke Richard Murat in the town Kutno in central Poland opened the first Tsunami club, to it during the period of two weeks began

 attend over 80 members.

 The Tsunami system
was founded in 1979
in Kutno
in central Poland.


On the photo: the founder

of Tsunami soke Richard Murat

10 dan (the first from the left) with his oldest students (participants during the first training in 1979)

and also the first Tsunami instructors – during the ceremony

of dubbing them to masterly degree 1 dan the Honbu Dojo (Central Tsunami School) in Warsaw.
Receive congratulations, sensei John Najberg 1 dan. In za-zen sit-: sensei Vladimir Stêpniak 1 dan
and sensei Andrew Misztal 1 dan. Next to soke Richard Murat stands another veteran of Tsunami -

shihan Thaddeus Ryniec 7 dan (chairman of the Tsunami Center

in Kutno, Poland).




The Tsunami founder soke Richard Murat
worked out all techniques and tactical solutions

 of the system, its ideological principles, organizational ones methodology and the principles of training, he gave them precise
name in Japanese, and worked out requirements for degrees in Tsunami and the program

 for training instructors of this style.
These issues (concepts and rules)
composed entirely on Tsunami system,

soke Richard Murat presented in many

books, brochures and other publications. 



 The oldest Tsunami colour poster,
printed in several thousand copies
and being a large hit
in the beginnings of this style.
The poster presents soke Richard Murat
and one of Warsaw Tsunami instructors

during a training fight.
An artistic drawing seen on it was done
from a photograph from a gym. This historical
poster has many Tsunami veterans, and one
copy hangs in the honor place in Honbu Dojo

(Central Tsunami School) in Warsaw.

The training in one of historical Tsunami groups; Kutno 1982.


   Then, in the period of two years Tsunami system gradually was developing, both in the domain of ideological foundations, and as regards of the organizational domain. In this period were founded already the first eleven Tsunami clubs in the following places: Kutno, Gostynin, P³ock, Sierpc, ¯ychlin, £owicz, Mieczys³awów, K³odawa, Konin, W³oc³awek, Warsaw.









 in the first two

 years of activity:



One of groups of Tsunami instructors from Ko³o, Kutno, £owicz, Pi³a and Warsaw in Kutno in 1984 year. Soke Richard Murat 10 dan (from the right) runs meditation exercises za-zen.



The ceremony starting a training during a Tsunami course for instructors, Warsaw 1986.

Participated in it representatives of tsunami clubs from Ko³o, Konin, Kro¶niewice,

 Pi³a, P³ock, Poznañ, Warsaw and Wroc³aw. The first from the left:

soke Richard Murat 10 dan.



The meditation exercises during a training in the Tsunami group for instructors in Kazimierz Dolny, 1996.

 In foreground - turned back soke Richard Murat.


   On 12 October 1980 in the first club in Kutno soke Richard Murat 10 dan organized the First Tsunami Congress (Japanese: Taikai).

   There participated in it the representatives of the first eleven Tsunami clubs. During that congress was brought into being the Tsunami Federation - Tsunami Renmei (in other words: International Tsunami Federation), of which president was appointed soke Richard Murat 10 dan.

   Later took place a lot of next Tsunami congresses in cities: Warsaw, Kutno, Bydgoszcz, Toruñ, Pu³awy, Bytom, ¯ychlin, Radzionków, £owicz.


The XII Tsunami Congress; the Palace of Culture and Science, Warsaw 1994.

In the foreground turned back - the Tsunami founder soke Richard Murat 10 dan.



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