Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

Tsunami development in the first period of its history in Poland


Tsunami development

in the first period of its history in Poland


   During the first ten years (1979-1989) Tsunami system was developing in Poland very dynamically.


   In that period came into being a lot of clubs (Japanese: dojo) and circles (Japanese: dantai), and also large number of persons undertook independent improvement themselves according to Tsunami principles.





Tsunami members,

both organized in clubs

and circles, and also individual (striving for perfection individually),

 meet together in

 mentioned above


(Tsunami groups). 







The places

 of the most important Tsunami groups

 in Poland.

Kazimierz Dolny

One of groups with participations of a lot of Tsunami clubs. Training of techniques on yard of the castle

in Kazimierz Dolny, August 1996. In the middle: soke Richard Murat 10 dan.



A training of techniques combination (in the photo is shown block age-ude-uke) during XIII Tsunami Congress, Puławy 1997 (the first from the right: soke Richard Murat 10 dan).



Training of techniques with ki-ai in performing of Tsunami instructors during XIII Tsunami Congress,

 Puławy 1997. In the photo the moment a fraction of a second before hit into the aim with thrusting

kara-oi-zuki. The fourth in the first row hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan. Turned back -

soke Richard Murat 10 dan.

   In the year 1988 Tsunami system (as art of fighting) came into the composition of the greatest organization arts of fighting in Poland:

Polska Federacja Dalekowschodnich Sztuk i Sportów Walki -

Polish Martial Arts Federation,

associated 33 associations of various styles practiced in Poland: Japanese (ju-jutsu, aikido, karate), Chinese (kung-fu/wu-shu), Korean (taekwondo), Vietnamese, Filipinos and others.


   That Federation is engaged in confirming of regulations of various associates, regulations of conferring degrees, conferring and confirming masterly degrees, organization of country-wide martial arts festivals and instructor courses.



One of meetings of Management of Polish Martial Arts Federation. From the left: Andrew Ju¶kiewicz

 5 dan (Tsunami), Richard JóĽwik 5 dan (aikido), Andrew Braksal 6 doan (kung-fu/wu-shu),

Christopher Kondratowicz 12 dan (jiu-jitsu goshin-ryu), Christopher Staniszewski 8 dan

 (jujitsu/jujutsu), Richard Gumiński 8 dan (jiu-jitsu) and Richard Murat 10 dan (Tsunami).



Some members of Management of Polish Martial Arts Federation after one of meetings: Warsaw,

20 October 2002. From the left: Daniel Głowacki 8 dan (jiu-jitsu), Lech Pałys 4 dan (red tiger),

Christopher Staniszewski 8 dan (jujitsu/jujutsu), Christopher Wasiak 8 dan (jiu-jitsu goshin-ryu,

Tsunami), Jarosław Duczmalewski 8 dan (red phoenix), Richard Murat 10 dan (Tsunami),

Andrew Ju¶kiewicz 5 dan (Tsunami), Roman Grzegorz 9 dan (ju-jitsu), Artur Dybcio 4 doan

(kung-fu pak hok), John Jasiewicz 10 dan (modern budo), Paul Nerć 8 dan (jiu-jitsu).


   During the first ten years Tsunami system found also proper recognition in environment of hand-to-hand fighting. Reflection of that recognition was true enough that founder and leader of Tsunami system soke Richard Murat 10 dan in the year 1989 was elected by leaders of various styles for the president mentioned above Polish Martial Arts Federation (and he has acted already for four following terms).


   Besides in acknowledgement his skills and of contributions, in 1999 year Management of Polish Martial Arts Federation (concentrating 27 leaders of different styles of art of fighting) admitted soke Richard Murat highest masterly degree 10 dan.


   Apart soke Richard Murat also three Polish masters have got promotion for the 10 dan degree (here in alphabetical order):

  • Joseph Brudny - pioneer kung-fu in Poland, founder Pszczyńska Academy of Fighting Arts,
  • Tadeusz Kochanowski - pioneer judo in Poland and the first president Polish Judo Association,
  • Christopher Kondratowicz - pioneer jiu-jitsu in Poland, leader of style jiu-jitsu goshin-ryu.

   Mentioned four masters got certificates for the degree 10 dan and got from hands of representatives Polish Government and Warsaw Municipal Government on 30 May 1999 at the great IX of Martial Arts Instructors' Festival in Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw (see photo below).



The scene from IX of Martial Arts Instructors' Festival; Palace of Culture and Science in Warsaw, 30 May 1999. Participated in it leaders and instructors of different Japanese styles, Chinese, Korean, Filipinos and others. In photo there are teams of 27 organizations: kung-fu/wu-shu, ju-jutsu, taekwondo, aikido, karate and others from all country. President of the Federation - soke Richard Murat 10 dan is congratulatory letter from President of Polish Republic. On the first background turned back representatives of Polish Government and Warsaw Municipal Government.


As the only one in history representative of martial arts

soke Richard Murat  has received the special thanks from

the highest organ of power in Poland - the Seym of The Polish

Republic (the Parliament) for his part in preparing the project

of law about it physical culture (there were considered

18 his corrections in that project) - the highest top legal act

 in range of sport. On the photo copy of those thanks.



Position and merits of soke Richard Murat

 are generally known and valued by masters of various styles.

On the photo from the right there is the certificate of special resolution, which the leaders of various styles: Japanese, Chinese, Korean, Vietnamese and others - masters with the highest degrees awarded

soke Richard Murat the honorauble title President - Patriarch.


On the photo from the left most outstanding Polish master of judo Tadeusz Kochanowski 10 dan

(the founder and the first president

of Polish Judo Association, at present honourable president of Polish Judo Association) hands soke Richard Murat that certificate with special resolution awarded the honorouble title President - Patriarch.


 Merits of soke Richard Murat are appreciated also

out of martial arts environment - by representatives

of regional powers and central ones. On the photo

from the left special thanks from the highest dignitary

of Mazovian (the central region in Poland) - The Voivode

of the Mazovian Voivodeship for soke Richard Murat

for his sport achievements, training and educational

and for propagation sports of fight on the terrain of that

region. On the photo from the right special thanks

for long standing effort put into creation, development

and the propagating of Karate Tsunami in Poland

and all over the world for soke Richard Murat from

the Speaker of Lodz Voivodeship (the main dignitary

in central region in Poland).

 Legitymacja  Krzyż


In recognition of services of soke Richard Murat

even the head of state - the President of Polish

Republic Lech Kaczyński awarded him

special state decoration.

From the left: membership card

and photo of that Cross of Merits.



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