Honbu Tsunami Renmei
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INDIA: the degree 6 dan and the title shihan for master Shiv Kumar Panchal - at Honbu Dojo


The degree 6 dan and the title shihan

for master Shiv Kumar Panchal from INDIA

a training course at Honbu Dojo

in Warsaw/Poland/Europe 




In April 2011 took place the special training course

in Honbu Dojo (Central School of Karate Tsunami)

 in Warsaw/Poland /Europe for

Shiv Kumar Panchal from India.



 Warszawa  Honbu Dojo Honbu Dojo 

   Master Shiv Kumar Panchal arrived from New Delhi to Warsaw by air with a change in Moscow, and had a change on his way back in Athens. 


   Several days training course for master from India was individual and very intense. It was ran by:

  • hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan – Vice-President of International Tsunami Federation, Chief and the Audit Committee of Polish Martial Arts Federation and Sports of Fighting
  • soke Richard Murat 10 dan – the founder of Karate Tsunami and President of Federation. 



Hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan, soke Richard Murat 10 dan and shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan

 in Honbu Dojo (Central School of Karate Tsunami) in Warsaw 15 April 2011. 


 Panchal  Panchal

The training course of master Shiv Kumar Panchal was easier, because for many years he practiced

style karate shotokan, which techniques are very similar to Karate Tsunami. In the photographs:

 examples of practicing manual techniques (oi-zuki in zenkutsu-dachi) and leg techniques

(yoko-geri-kekomi) in various methods: kihon and makiwara-kumite.  


 Panchal  Panchal

 Panchal  Panchal

Under the direction of hanshi 8 dan Vladimir Parfieniuk mastier Shiv Kumar Panchal practicing techniques and their combinations,

using different instruments used in Karate Tsunami: tonfa, hanbo, tanto, kama, and others. He was acquainted with tokui-kata,

the characteristic for Karate Tsunami a spontaneous form of learning against several assailants using different instruments.

He demonstrated in this range the great talent, although he practiced style karate shotokan, in which he achieved 5 dan,

did not meet with using any instruments in fight and during training.


 Panchal  Panchal

During the training course master Shiv Kumar Panchal intensively trained
with hanshi Vladimir Parfieniukiem 8 dan kumite - learning unarmed fight (from the left)

 and using different instruments (the right).



During the training course took place Matthew Murat, son of soke Richard Murat, many times Polish Champion in the junior category.

For the purpose he was demonstrating the different training techniques and training methods, discussed with master Shiv Kumar

Panchal. In the photographs there is an example of this training course: Murat Matthew presents tokui-hanbo-kata,

a spontaneous form of learning with using a short stick – a club against several attackers.


   The intensive training course of the visitor from India resulted in a positive marked master's degree examination for 6 dan, which he sat the exam on Saturday 16th April 2011. 


 Panchal  Panchal

During the exam master Shiv Kumar Panchal at request of soke Richard Murat 10 dan demonstrated makiwara-kumite (a method

of learning fight using a training bag, imitating an opponent), tokui-kata (a spontaneous form of learning against several attackers using five different instruments - in the photograph from the left with a sickle kama) and kumite (unarmed fight, and with using various devices,

in which as his opponent played a role hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan – in the photograph on the right).

   As a result of the exam the founder of Karate Tsunami soke Richard Murat 10 dan awarded in this style for master from India high level degree 6 dan and the prestigious title shihan (Japanese "the grand master"). 


 Panchal  Panchal

 Panchal  Panchal

In the  photographs there are scenes from traditional symbolic ending of  exam in Karate Tsunami:

a ' dubbing '  for a given degree, tying a belt, solemn announcement of an exam, congratulations

after ending an exam. Shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan from India and soke Richard Murat 10 dan.

In the position za-zen sits the partner of the candidate for exam hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan. 


   Moreover soke Richard Murat 10 dan Shihan appointed Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan the official representative and leader of Karate Tsunami in India



During the training course, there were a number of working  talks, during which discussed

the principles and plans for development of Karate Tsunami in India. 


   For training course in Honbu Dojo in Warsaw master Shiv Kumar Panchal was preparing intensively for many months, in cooperation with hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan. 



Indian master Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan got as a present from soke Richard Murat 10 dan with author's personal dedication

to his well-known book "Karate for beginners and advanced". This book became the great bestseller in the market of martial arts,

as prove of its two edition in Polish language (by the reputable publishing house 'Book and Knowledge') and one in English language

(by the famous publishing house 'Atlantic Publishers & Distributors'). This book is only in the history publication of the Polish

author in range of martial arts, published in English language, which became the worldwide bestseller.



   Master Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan handed for hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan
(in the photograph above) and for soke Richard Murat 10 dan commemorative gifts,
made of metal miniatures of famous buildings in India:

palace-tomb the Taj Mahal and the Red Fort (the photographs below). 


 Taj Mahal  Red Fort


   Shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal was born on 21st July 1982 in Hariyana and lives in the Indian capital New Delhi/Asia.


   Questioned by soke Richard Murat 10 dan master from India informed him, that in Hindi language his name Kumar means  'young', Shiv means the powerful Hindu god Shiva, and surname Panchal means the caste 'creators, engineers'.  


   Shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan is married - his wife is named Renu Devi, they have three years old son named Mukul Kumar. He is Hindu follower and vegetarian, he does not drink coffee and alcohol. 


   Shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan got university degree (MA) in the exotic specialty for Western residents 'yoga and science of life' - at Jain Vishuabharti University in Rajasthan. For several years he has been the professional karate instructor, running a number of sections in the Indian capital New Delhi and in other cities. 


   For many years he practiced karate shotokan under direction of famous master of this style Teruyuki Okazaki from the USA, acting as chief of ISKA (International Shotokan Karate Association) in India. 


 Panchal  Panchal

During the training course master Shiv Kumar Panchal appeared with the signs of the organization

 shotokan ISKA (from the left). On the basis of shown by hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan the logo

of International Tsunami Federation he will prepare the sign of Tsunami India (from the right). 


   In shotokan style Shiv Kumar Panchal got master's degree 5 dan. As captain and coach of India participated in many championships of that style. 



Master Shiv Kumar Panchal (in the center, he wears a blue tie) at the head of the Indian representation during - 3rd Inter Continental ASIA WUKF (World Union Karatedo Federation) Karate Championships in 2011. 


   Master Shiv Kumar Panchal got in contact with hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan and started to practice Karate Tsunami, recognizing the huge potential of development for this style. 



Awarding for shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal the certificate confirming of winning

master’s degree 6 dan in Karate Tsunami. 16th April 2011. 


   After the examination for 6 dan soke Richard Murat 10 dan and hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan showed for master Shiv Kumar Panchal selected places in Warsaw. 



Soke Richard Murat 10 dan and shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan at the Monument of Partisans near

the de Gaulle circle in the center of Warsaw. This monument shows a partisan hit by a ball from a rifle.

 Over him stands the symbolic Homeland rises laurel twigs imagining everlasting glory.

This visit was a reference to Richard Murat’s family tradition, presented in his book

"The Battle of Partisans and Extermination of Kolonia Zbędowice 1942".


Hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan and shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan in the front

of  the Presidential Palace on Krakowskie Przedmiescie street. Here take place

well-known events with a cross symbolizing the Smolensk disaster. 



Shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan watched with intense interest many historical Roman Catholic

 churches in Krakowskie Przedmieście street and at the Old Town. In spite of the fact that he is  Hindu,

he had no reluctance to come into a church, because he is open to different views and looks favorably

on other religions and worldviews, which is in conformity with the principles of Tsunami. His presence

in churches as a representative of Hinduism, in company of hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan

(in the photograph) whom is well-known representative of the Orthodox Church in Poland and blessed

by the Head of the Orthodox Church in Poland - His Eminence Highly Blessed Sawa the head

of the Orthodox Patriarch of Constantinople, Bartholomew I, is another  proof of ecumenism,

tolerance and successful cooperation which as part of Karate Tsunami do people of different religions.   



At the Castle Square, in front of the Royal Castle in Warsaw. 



At the Old Town. Numerous outdoor cafes and exhibitions of painters works,

mainly on the Warsaw subject.     




India, not without reason, for a long time

has been considered as sub-continent,

it is a vast country with enormous potential.


Currently in India live more

than one billion 300 million people,

and from the prospective of the European

countries it seems to be incredible.



   India is also one of the world’s power in the military field, culture, science, informatics and economics. It is also a country of enormous contrasts  in every respect,  unimaginable wealth and high standard of living borders with the great poverty. 


   The pride of India are not only residents, but also very rich, ancient culture. 



The real pride of India are its people. Even at the Royal Castle Square in front of the Royal Castle

 in Warsaw Shiv Kumar Panchal (in the photographs he stands with his back)

met his countrymen from India. 


New Delhi 

New Delhi

 New Delhi





The capital of India is New Delhi,

where runs the main center

Shihan Shiv Kumar Panchal 6 dan
 New Delhi has more than 11 million

inhabitants and it is a real metropolis. 

   In this way began the official development of Karate Tsunami in next country - India    


   By the way, it’s worth to praise, that, soke Richard Murat 10 dan is the only Polish master, to whom arrive delegations from the whole world to practice, to raise their level and pass exams for degrees. In order to do that, arrive to Honbu Dojo in Warsaw even masters from Asia.


   These irrefutable facts bear testimony to the high level of martial arts in Poland and the great recognition of soke Richard Murat 10 dan on variuos continents, also in Asia.


   The promoter of master Shiv Kumar Panchal on behalf of International Karate Tsunami Federation is hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan, who as Vice-President of the Federation with authorization of the founder of Karate Tsunami soke Richard Murat 10 dan, coordinates the development of this style in various regions of the world. He is logistic manager in international corporations. 


   Thanks to wide international contacts and unique methods hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan significantly contributes to the development of Tsunami. The tangible results of that development are consecutive Karate Tsunami centers in various countries, including this mentioned above the new center in India.    



   Karate Tsunami centers function in many countries on all continents: in Europe, in America, in Africa, in Asia and in Australia. 


   Consecutive centers are organized in such countries as: Algeria, Iran, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Turkey, Egypt, Morocco and  Finland.


   Hanshi Vladimir Parfieniuk 8 dan systematically emphasizes that Tsunami system created by soke Richard Murat 10 dan is effective, understandable and accessible and that system wins willing persons in the world irrespective of national, cultural and religious differences.

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