Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

LECHOWSKI George (Jerzy), a candidate for Tsunami master, Warsaw, Poland, Europe




LECHOWSKI George (Jerzy)


Surname and name:  Lechowski George (Jerzy) 

Place in which he lives, country and continent: 

                         Warsaw, Poland, Europe
Occupation: scientist - physicist (in Polish

                         terminology: prof. dr hab. inż.), 

                         professor of the Academy

                         International of Sciences AIS in

                        San Marino (Faculty of Cybernetics)

Way of PracticingTsunami: practices Tsunami

                         in Honbu Dojo (Central Tsunami

                        School) in Warsaw                   



Statement on the subject of Tsunami:


   I have met Richard Murat as brave and an efficient organizer. After several years of  acquaintance I became interested in Tsunami. I was bewitched not only by technique, but also culture, which constitutes the main essence of Tsunami, based on deep philosophical principles
resulting of knowing the laws of nature. 

   By the way, it is worth to emphasize, that there are principles in this direction, contrary to brutal appearances of fight, a large precision, gentleness and moderation. One of the main watchwords of the great master Richard Murat there is a saying “every excess can be harmful"

   I am convinced, that if anybody would get the Nobel Peace Prize for Sport, in the first place that Prize deserves to the great master Richard Murat, for his many-sided international activity, not only in sport, but also and in the field of philosophy. I can say confidently, he will go down in history as one of few countrymen.





Professor George Lechowski

(born in 1932) during a training in Honbu Dojo

(the Central Karate Tsunami School) in Warsaw

in 2003 with another doyen Adam Iwinski

(a retired teacher of physics).


At the top a training with use of bo - long sticks:

George Lechowski effectively defends

himself with the block soto-uke against

an attack of Adam Iwinski

with the stick  choku-zuki into the throat.


From the left sparring without using of weapons:

Adam Iwinski defends himself

with the block soto-ude-uke against the attack

of George Lechowski kara-oi-zuki jodan.


These scenes illustrate  two characteristic

aspects of preparing in Karate Tsunami to fight:

unarmed and with using various devices.






 In Karate Tsunami

large emphasis

is placed on stretching exercises. They have

a positive effect on

the efficiency and health of practicing persons, and also persons

in elder age.


In the photograph professor George Lechowski with another doyen Adam Iwinski during stretching exercises in pairs.



Very positive effect on the human organism in every age are used in Karate Tsunami versatile general-developmental exercises perfectly streamlining work of muscles and developing condition. In the photograph professor George Lechowski with the another doyen Adam Iwinski during characteristic for Karate Tsunami exercises of the abdominal muscles.

Above mentioned photographs were presented in  the well-known book - best-seller of soke Richard Murat 10 dan -

"Karate for Beginners and Advanced" (the Publishing House ’’Atlantic Publishers and Distributors", New Delhi 2006;

 the Publishing House ’’ Książka i Wiedza', Warsaw 2003 – edition I and 2008 - II edition) for illustrating issues

of Karate Tsunami exercises by doyens.


 Lechowski AIS AIS

    Documents which confirm academic degrees and academic titles of Professor George Lechowski.





 Professor George Lechowski (in Polish terminology: prof. dr hab. inż.)
became famous of formulating a mathematical-physical formula

for happiness. He presented that formula in the specialist magazine
"Progress of Cybernetics" No. 3 in 1983 and No. 2 in 1987, and also

in a habilitation thesis defended in 1994 at the Academy International

of Sciences AIS in San Marino, Department of Cybernetics.

Introduced by that  mathematical-physical formula is a definition

of happiness and it contains the information about it,

of what and which way our happiness depends on.




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 realizacja: =weBZet=  telefon/phone: [48] 22 615-71-46 e-mail:ryszard.murat@gmail.com