Honbu Tsunami Renmei
-strona główna

KRUPIENICZ Andrew, sensei, 1 dan, Warsaw, Poland, Europe




Sensei Associate Professor

KRUPIENICZ Andrew 1 dan


Surname and name:  KRUPIENICZ Andrew  

Place in which he lives, country and continent: 

                      Warsaw, Poland, Europe
Occupation: cardiologist, professor at Warsaw

                      Medical University in Warsaw

Degree in Tsunami: 1 dan (since 2009)

Title in Tsunami: sensei ('the master – teacher')

Way of PracticingTsunami: practices Tsunami

                         in Honbu Dojo (Central Tsunami

                        School) in Warsaw    



                                             Statement on the subject of Tsunami: 


   I recommend Tsunami to my patients, because my theory is - based on my own experience - that it is the healthiest sport. Injuries practically don't occur, everyone trains within his own limitations (instructors do not force their students to do defined number of repetitions), no doping is present, and at least the atmosphere during and after training sessions is very nice.


   Exclusively I recommend trainings of Tsunami in Honbu Dojo (Central School) in Warsaw. Firtly: because of exceptionally nice atmosphere, resulting from characters and culture od people training here, secondly because of high level of trenings - during classes there train even several masters, which is hardly to be found in another clubs.


   I heartily recommend! During Tsunami classes You will not only improve your health, but also You will learn to protect it in case of assault.                                                                                        


 1 dan  1 dan

  Prof. Andrew Krupienicz is one of Karate Tsunami veterans. He has trained this style since 1989. In 2009 in Honbu Dojo

(Karate Tsunami's Central School) in Warsaw he submitted examinations on instructoral 1st dan master degree, which were positively rated by soke Richard Murat 10 dan. In the photo from left: a scene from kumite (training fight) from the exam

 mentioned. During such fight examined has the goal to prove his skills are effective - both attack and defence, without,

as well as with different weapons. Here: prof. Adrew Krupienicz has succesfully performed a counter-attack with boken

(a sword shaped piece of wood) against the opponent's attack with stick (hanbo). Sparringpartner of prof. Andrew Krupienicz

on the exam was soke Richard's Murat son Matthew Murat - multi-medallist from Polish Championships in juniors category.

In the photo from right: after-exam ceremony. Traditional formula - solemn proclamation by soke Richard Murat 10 dan

of achieving by prof. Andrew Krupienicz 1st dan master degree.



Scene from ceremonial opening of V Open Karate Tsunami Polish Championship on 15th of November, 2009 in Łowicz.

Prof. Andrew Krupienicz in sight of all gathered (as one of seven highlighted this way Karate Tsunami master's) is receiving

a certificate to the 1st dan master's degree from hands of Federation President, soke Richard Murat 10 dan. In the background,

 from left: Mayor of Łowicz, Christopher Jan Kaliński, Truong Anh Tuan - chairman of Vietnamese Association in Poland

and vinh xuan style leader, businessman sensei Andrew Zagórowicz 1 dan (Łowicz) and religion teacher - catechist

sensei Peter Sumiński 1 dan (Łowicz). 


seniorzy starsi


Despite his age prof. Andrew Krupienicz succesfully takes part in consecutive Polish Championships and win top medal

positions among with Polish Champion titles in different competitions. During V Open Karate Tsunami Polish Championship

on 14th to 15th of November 2009 in Łowicz he won three medals, two golds among them. In the photo decoration with

medals in Tokui-kata elder seniors category (age over 50 years). Gold medals goes to prof. Andrew Krupienicz, silver

to Michael Szewielow (ex-director of National Scientific Publishing in Warsaw), and brown to John Dałek, a pensioner from

 Żychlin. Medals were handed by, visible from left: physician of Polish Championship cardiologist meijin doctor in medical

 sciences Matthias Misztal 3 dan (Kutno), great master of vinh xuan style Nguyen Ngoc Noi 10 dan (Hanoi, Vietnam)

 and Polish Championship's chaplain priest renshi Gregory Badziąg OFMCap. 4 dan (Krosno). Attitude of all people

mentioned above is a great role model in physical activities and other hobbies for people at similar age.  



Prof. Andrew Krupienicz

as a medallist from V Open

Karate Tsunami Polish Championship received a special diploma "for achievements in Karate Tsunami and promoting

the Mazovian Voivodeship" from Marshall of Mazovian Voivodeship. Certificate was handed by member

 of Management of Mazovian Voivodeship, Marshall Valdemar Roszkiewicz during General Assembly of Polish Federation of Martial Arts on 14th of March 2010

in Warsaw. During this ceremony Marshall Valdemar Roszkiewicz stated friendship with sensei Krupienicz, which began on their studies. Come to think of, Marshall Roszkiewicz is a doctor and dental surgery specialist as well.


The concise biography of the mentioned person:


Sensei Associate Professor

KRUPIENICZ Andrew 1 dan (Warsaw)


   Karate Tsunami master from Warsaw.


   Born on 15th of November 1953 in Brodnica.


   Higher education: physician (Military Medical Academy in Łódź, 1978), cardiologist (1988).


   Degree: doctor of medical sciences (Central Clinical Military Medic Academy's Hospital in Warsaw, 1982). Title of thesis: "Analysis of chosen genetical factors conditioning mouses' radiation poisoning erotrophoesis regeneration" (promoter: prof. Wiesław Victor Jędrzejczak).


   Habilitation: Central Clinical Military Medic Academy's Hospital in Warsaw, 2000. Title of habilitation's thesis: "Dyspersion of QT's interspace as a postulated non-invasion measure of chambers electrical non-homogenosis: comparative analysis with programmed chambers stimulation in distant observation".


   In years 1972-1998 he served in Polish Army. His military degree is lietenant colonel.


   Since year 2003 he is a researcher at Warsaw Medical University in Warsaw (since 2005 Associate Professor).

   He is a specialist for heart stimulators. Also an author of textbook "Heart Stimulation", PZWL, Warsaw 2006.


   During years 1974-75 he trained shotokan karate in Boat Town (at Military Medical Academy section), however he resigned due to wrong training methods, such as not satisfying atmosphere to him, lot of injuries and tranings in snow.


   In 1989 he started taking up Karate Tsunami under sensei Arkadiusz Wiewiórowski 1st dan in Warsaw Karate-do Tsunami Club "Praga".


   For several years - with his son Philipp Krupienicz - he has trained Karate Tsunami in Honbu Dojo (Central Karate Tsunami School) in Warsaw, under the direction of the style's founder, soke Richard Murat 10 dan. 


   He has taken part in many Karate Tsunami groupings (sesshin) in Honbu Dojo in Warsaw as well as several congressions (taikai), such as in Radzionków 2008 and Łowicz 2009.


   He has won top medal places in different competitions in elder senior's category in consecutive Karate Tsunami Polish Championships.


   In 2009 - after passing all the necessary exams - soke Richard Murat 10 dan promoted him to a 1st dan degree and the title of sensei.

 As worth mentioning tittle-tattle is a fact, that prof. Andrew Krupienicz is forming a new political party named Constitution Initiative Group (PIK - polish: Partia Inicjatywy Konstytucyjnej). It's goal is to fullfill all society expectations and be a remedium to current political situation. Information - e-mail: partiapik@op.pl



   Other biographical data on subject sensei Andrew Krupienicz and his photographs you will find:

  • in the special section sensei Andrew Krupienicz - on this website,
  • in many chapters - on this website,
  • on many websites - Tsunami centers and Tsunami instructors,
  •  on the website www.federacjasztukwalki.pl

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